Thursday, February 10, 2011

Inside Story by Mike Kagee......Viva India!

Viva Aishwarya-Rai!                                                        
When people say they are going to India for the first time I always tell them
'I envy you' Even though the horror of the 2008 assault on Bollywood remain.
The images and beauty of India and the sight of Bollywood really fascinates me.
The most beautiful people are to be found in the movie industry like the former Miss World Aishwarya-Rai  the goddess of rare beauty. Her beauty and acting skills makes her the highest paid actress in India according to Time Magazine.
    Paris loves Aishwarya-Rai above as well as Cannes. When the Indian movie 'Devdas' was nominated a few years ago she was never forgotten, her huge green/blue eyes caused a media sensation as she stepped from a gold carriage wearing a red sari and the best of Indian jewels. A regular at Cannes every year.
                        Aiswarya-Rai was voted the most beautiful girl in the world.

                              The beautiful Bollywood actress Aishwarya-Rai 

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