Monday, March 21, 2011

Tom Ford ' Forever Love' for Vogue Paris

Tom Ford is no stranger to sexual imagery
'Forever Love'
featured in the French Vogue has a touch of 'Geriatric Porn'
  His lust for beautiful woman
as objects of Art!

 The cultural rejection
 of the stigmatization of wrinkles
  grey hairs, bodies furrowed
  over the years .....
  For this session
  'The creative genius'
  'A man and a woman'
  Who had been together
   for 'Years' 
                                   Tom Ford 'A true genius'

                                       By Tom Ford

Story by Mike Kagee

                                                          Mr Tom Ford

            Killer heels by Tom Ford courtesy of French Vogue

Other French Vogue
                    Courtesy of Vogue Paris



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